1888 Sioux City Corn Palace

The second corn palace, built the next year in 1888, was even more splendid than the first. It was built at a new site on the northeast corner of Sixth and Pierce. There was a huge main tower and several smaller towers, and every square inch of the exterior was covered with grain. The only wood showing was on the flagpoles. Inside there was a roomy courtyard surrounded by display galleries. In the courtyard, people could enjoy three daily concerts played by the famous Elgin Band from Elgin, Illinois.

This palace advertised "toilet rooms and conveniences for ladies and gentlemen." The railroads offered half-price fares to passengers coming into Sioux City and free passes to Corn Palace activities were sent to congressmen and other officials.

The bigger and better festival attracted even larger crowds, and attendance was estimated to be around 350,000. Of course, planners were excited to build a new Corn Palace the next year.


1887 Sioux City Corn Palace


1889 Sioux City Corn Palace